writing groups

Ideal for those who would like to receive regular feedback on their work while participating in an intimate writing community.

After a consultation to learn about your individual projects and group goals, I will facilitate a series of weekly, bi-weekly or monthly 60-minute group meetings. Participants will take turns pre-circulating an excerpt (up to 5,000 words) from their current writing project for all group members to read. Grounded in respectful dialog, our conversations will address the text’s conceptual strengths and challenges, offer feedback for analytic and structural development, engage in collective brainstorming, and share information and resources. After the group discussion, I will provide the author substantial written feedback on their text.

Writing groups support the development of each member’s individual project as well as their personal writing process and challenges. They foster a nurturing collective environment where the stresses and vulnerabilities of writing can be shared in a trusted setting based upon co-created community agreements.

Writing groups run during the academic semesters, from September to June. Participants must commit to joining for a minimum of one full semester.

$450/month for monthly group
$800/month for bi-weekly group
$1400/Month for weekly group
Costs shared between group members
4-6 writers per group