Developmental editing services

Ideal if you have a full draft of a grant proposal, book proposal, journal article, book chapter, dissertation, or book manuscript that you would like to revise substantially or prepare for submission to a journal or press.

After an initial consultation to understand your needs and concerns, I carefully assess your text for soundness of argument, use of evidence and theory, structure, narrative, coherence, style, tone, and other elements.

Depending on your project and needs, I can provide a detailed written evaluation coupled with an in-depth discussion of your text; suggestions for restructuring, development and future publication; or substantial in-text comments and edits.

Developmental editing rates are billed based on a minimum base rate per type of project, word-count, and type of editorial work needed. Please see the base rates below and schedule a consultation for a personalized estimate.

  • Evaluation

    1500 words or less: $300
    1500-2500 words: $350
    2500-3500 words: $400


    $150 per hour

  • Evaluation

    1500 words or less: $300
    1500-2500 words: $350
    2500-3500 words: $400


    $150 per hour

  • Evaluation

    8000 words or less: $500
    8000-10,000 words: $550
    above 10,000 words: $600


    $150 per hour

  • Evaluation

    80,000 words or less: $1400

    80,000 to 120,000 words: $1,600

    120,000 to 150,000 words: $1,800

    More than 150,000 words: $2,000

    Please Note:
    We only work with already defended and submitted dissertations to avoid undermining the role of the graduate advisor and dissertation committee. Once you have successfully filed your dissertation, we are happy to help you move it towards publication.

  • Evaluation

    80,000 words or less: $1400
    80,000 to 120,000 words: $1,600
    120,000 to 150,000 words: $1,800
    More than 150,000 words: $2,000


    $150 per hour

  • $450 base rate (3 hours of work)

    $150 each additional hour