mentoring & Developmental editing services for women scholars
bring your writing to life

Scholarly writing and publishing can be isolating and stressful. It can also be collective and empowering. We thrive as writers when we have a supportive community to share ideas, drafts, and challenges as we labor to bring our projects to life. We would love to be part of your community.
Write With Us!
Write With Us!
Monday write-ins
WomanWise provides writing mentoring and developmental editing services for women writing in the humanities and social sciences. Our central goals are to help you conceptualize and organize your project, sharpen your work’s central contributions and arguments, and develop the analytic and narrative coherence needed to bring your project to successful publication.
WomanWise was founded in 2023 by historian Ana Maria Candela, Ph.D., a published author, winner of several prestigious research awards, and former professor at a “Public Ivy.” It helps fill the growing need for writing and editorial services that can break the grind and isolation of the neoliberal academy, which exerts a greater cost on women scholars. By working with women, we seek to foster their success as scholars and published authors.
Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, SUNY Binghamton
“As a graduate student, I have greatly benefited from Dr. Candela's extraordinary editorial skills. She possesses a remarkable ability to grasp the essence of one's arguments, often better than the author themselves, even in topics outside her immediate expertise. In two different articles that are now published, she guided me in identifying my main argument and broader contributions to the literature. Dr. Candela is the go-to person for refining half-baked ideas and transforming them into cogent arguments. I wholeheartedly recommend her editorial services to anyone seeking to produce polished and persuasive content.”
Thank you for your interest in WomanWise.
If you would like to explore working together, please schedule a 30-minute consultation using the link below or send an email to Be sure to tell us about your project, including the subject and format (e.g. journal article, book draft, grant proposal), as well as the kinds of services you are interested in and your timeline.
We look forward to hearing from you!